Five steps towards the decolonization of the curriculum
It seems the word decolonisaiton itself puts up barriers and is problmentic in addressing. What does it mean and what can you do? Here are 5 tips.
It seems the word decolonisaiton itself puts up barriers and is problmentic in addressing. What does it mean and what can you do? Here are 5 tips.
And where did Inclusion Power-up come from? Over lockdowns, I’ve been harnessing my ideation to build a collection of inclusion power-ups. Ways to help engineering teaching colleagues gain confidence in being more inclusive. . I find that every time I speak with someone or…
If enriching the student experience, closing the achievement gap and maintaining the diversity of your cohort into relevant work is important these five points will help. The are designed to build creative, engaged and innovative teaching and learning spaces and support people to produce…
Four things to notice: first steps to seeing what others experience Growing the diversity of engineers soaks up millions of pounds on role model schemes, campaigns and outreach, and even more volunteer hours. Yet the percentage of women entering engineering has flatlined at 15%….
Inclusive Engineering Education Symposium 2 9 and 10 July 2018, London Katalytik is delighted to be collaborating with the UCL Centre for Engineering Education and the Royal Academy of Engineering to bring a different perspective to inclusion and diversity in engineering education. The highlight of…
A workshop to road-test a new framework and check-list on inclusive engineering. Jan Peters is running a workshop at the international conference on interactive collaborative learning to road-test a new tool for addressing inclusion in engineering education. The workshop is part of the accepted…