Diversity in Engineering

Analysis of populations in engineering: ethnic minority groups, socioeconomic background, and gender.

This is an update to the data collected for Set to Lead. Undertaken in collaboration with Oxford Research and Policy for the Women’s Engineering Society

Diversity In Engineering cover

Update to the data collected for Set to Lead. Undertaken in collaboration with Oxford Research and Policy for the Women’s Engineering Society

Katalytik provided project management and focus group work to support an analysis of student destination data and the set to lead survey data with extra consideration of ethnic background and socioeconomic status.

WES wanted to capture the messages from the women students in  the survey part of the Set to Lead project. A full and summary report were produced in January 2015 and launched as part of Science and Engineering Week at the Royal Academy of Engineering.



The aim was to share the experiences of engineering study.

Focus Groups

An addition to the project was a set of three focus groups held in London, Cardiff and Birmingham with WES student groups to find out the experiences of female students from disadvantaged areas, where parents had not studied engineering or where the women had not made a typical A level choice.

Discussion Groups

Further discussion groups were held with girls aged 11-14 to test poster designs and messages.

Design agency

Blitz, who created the ‘Not all chemists wear white coats’ campaign, were appointed by open tender, to capture the focus groups with young people and developed the straplines:

Engineering it’s in everything


It’s time for engineering girls 

The second project output was a double-sided careers poster, produced in March 2013. By January 2015 this had been reprinted 3 times. The supporting website is engineergirl.wes.org.uk