Strengths Jam CliftonStrengths Partnership Pairs

Strengths JamNotes - a green mug, text that says turnn strengths into weaknesses, and text communication and learner

Navigating strengths: Communication and Learner in the workplace

Our monthly Strengths Jams are now in the fifth year and provide space for us to connect in a friendly space with people from our workshops, exploring strengths, chatting over challenges and enriching conversations from our workshops. Sometimes it’s busy, others you may be lucky and get an hour of free coaching! At the September Strengths Jam, facilitated by Helen Shipton, participants explored the dynamic interplay of Communication and Learner. Our Strengths Jam Summary gives you a glimpse of conversations we have.

Our conversation explored both these themes and how they can add value to each other as perfect partners!

When Learner combines with Communication, magic happens

Though of course, the opposite can also be true as strengths can supercharge each other for good or bad.

Real Challenges Experienced by the Learner Communication Strengths

  • One participant shared their desire to ask many, many questions—driven by curiosity—often annoyed team members. Communication became a double-edged sword. While questions are valuable, not everyone appreciates constant inquiry.
  • Another shared the challenge of balancing their curiosity: we explored strategies. It’s essential to balance curiosity with sensitivity. Sometimes, listening more and asking fewer questions can strengthen relationships. The participant learned this lesson after changing departments where their Communication style clashed with the team’s expectations.

Communication strength: finding balance

  • Desire to communicate: the Communication strength empowers individuals to express themselves eloquently. They thrive on sharing ideas, stories, and connecting through words.
  • Blind spots: All strengths can go to the Dark Side! Communication as a leading strength often shows its Dark Side. It can be so hard to focus more on speaking, than listening. The result? We can miss crucial cues from colleagues. Deep listening is essential to counterbalance our natural inclination to communicate in one direction, on broadcast-only mode.
  • Strategies to hold Communication in check include PARAPHRASING to reflect our understanding: we discussed the art of paraphrasing—rephrasing what someone else said to ensure accurate understanding. By actively listening and reflecting, we enhance relationships and avoid misinterpretations. A useful tool is to start our interjections with What. For example – What did you mean by, what happened when… and the favourite, “Tell me more”.
  • Managing miscommunication: On occasion, the speaker with Communication can be so intent in sharing what they think, they fail to notice that they have misheard the other speaker. Misinterpretations happen, acknowledging them and seeking clarity can prevent them from escalating.

Learner strength: curiosity unleashed

  • Energized by learning: with Learner high, you thrive on acquiring new knowledge and the joy of the experience. Your curiosity fuels exploration and growth.
  • Combining Learner with Communication : when Learner combines with Communication, magic happens. These individuals absorb information like sponges and love sharing it. They attend workshops, read voraciously, and then eagerly disseminate insights to their teams. The real magic comes when the curiosity of your Learner is unleashed on a Communicator. Or you become adept at allowing your own top strengths to combine and manage each other.
  • Beyond words: Let your Learner expand and appreciate deeper ways of communicating. Observing body language, recognizing unspoken cues, and actively seeking feedback contribute to your continuous growth. Try the Oscar Trimboli podcast or his book, and experience the joy of deepening your capacity to interact with others.
  • Inspiring others: Learners inspire colleagues by modelling curiosity. Their enthusiasm for learning becomes contagious, fostering a culture of improvement.
  • Leading change: Learners adapt readily to new ideas. Their openness makes them effective change agents within teams and organizations.Lessons from real-life experience
    • One participant shared their struggle. Their desire to ask questions—driven by curiosity—often annoyed team members. Communication became a double-edged sword. While questions are valuable, not everyone appreciates constant inquiry.
    • Balancing curiosity: we explored strategies. It’s essential to balance curiosity with sensitivity. Sometimes, listening more and asking fewer questions can strengthen relationships. The participant learned this lesson after changing departments where their Communication style clashed with the team’s expectations.

Remember, strengths are multifaceted. By understanding how they intersect and complement each other, we can harness their power to create effective Communication, foster growth, and inspire positive change. Learn more about which CliftonStrengths are more common and which more rare. here

Book suggestions include Humble Inquiry by Edgar and Peter Schein (2020 edition), The Coaching Habit by Michael Bungay Stanier, and Deep Listening by Oscar Trimboli.

Find out more about our work with CliftonStrengths